Free Chiropractic Consultation

A No Strings Attached Chiropractic Consultation

Chiropractic Spinal Evaluation

Free Consultation including SEMG

Nashua Chiropractor, Dr. Stephen Dohoney offers a free consultation. Your personal consultation with Dr. Dohoney will include a non-invasive, painless, SEMG (Surface Electromyography) Exam which produces a visual comparison between an ideal spine and your spinal muscle activity.

Find out how you can live pain free without drugs or surgery. 603.886.4500.

Chiropractic Care in Nashua Is A Drug Free Alternative For The Relief of Pain

Dr Dohoney nashua chiropractor treating patient

Dr. Dohoney helps a patient.

Whether your discomfort came on suddenly as the result of an accident or injury, or is the cumulative effect from years of improper lifestyle, a chiropractic consultation from a credentialed pain management professional will put your mind at ease.

At The Pain Relief Center in Nashua, NH, we work with your body’s own intelligence system (the nervous system) to locate and stop the source of your pain. Taking over-the-counter drugs will only mask the symptoms and do nothing for improving flexibility, increasing range of motion, eliminating muscle spasms or the proper alignment of your spine.

Nashua Chiropractor
Dr. Stephen Dohoney | The Pain Relief Center, Nashua, NH

Office Location:
163 Amherst Street
Nashua, NH 03064


Office Hours:
Mon, Wed, Fri  – 9 am – 7 pm
Tues & Thur – 2 pm – 7 pm
Open one Saturday a month, contact office for availability

Phone –  603-886-4500